Adios Beer
A new premium boutique beer range whose target audience are millennials who love to travel and explore the world.
To create a brand name and identity that would allow this new brand to stand out in a crowded market place. Initial focus was on applying this identity to packaging: both bottle labels and a four-pack carry box.
The selected brand name ‘Adios’ refers to both, the coming and going nature of travel and the excuse to come together and celebrate friendships over a drink.
Inspired by the strength and simplicity of international maritime signal flags, the design solution references the idea of expressing a message visually. With a cheeky tone of voice, each beer flavour conveys a different symbol and definition: including varieties that indicate that the customer ‘requires assistance’ or is at the point of becoming ‘dangerous cargo’.
The colour palette mimics the primary palette of maritime flags, using only red and navy blue coupled with the font ‘Aquilone’ – chose for its strong weight and timeless elegance.
*Created for Shillington College Portfolio